Health Widgets Privacy Policy

November 5, 2023

Health Widgets attaches great importance to your privacy. Therefore, we have established a privacy policy that covers how to collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. The following are some examples of the types of personal information we may collect and how we can use it, with key points as follows:

We will explain the types of personal information we collect about you and their corresponding uses one by one, so that you can understand the categories, reasons for use, and collection methods of specific personal information we collect for a specific function.

When you use some features, we will collect some sensitive information about you after obtaining your consent. For example, when you use the "Generate Video" feature, we will access your album permissions to save the video to the album. When you use the "Scan" feature, we will use your camera information locally. Unless it is necessary to collect such information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, refusing to provide such information will only prevent you from using the relevant specific functions, but will not affect your normal use of other services of  Health Widgets .

Health Widgets will not share or transfer your personal information to a third party other than  Health Widgets . If you require us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party other than  Health Widgets , we will directly or confirm that the third party has obtained your express consent for the above actions. In addition, we will conduct a risk assessment on the external provision of information. ".

You can access, correct, and delete your personal information through the channels listed in this guide. You can also withdraw your consent, cancel your account, file a complaint, and set up privacy functions.

If you would like more detailed information, please read the corresponding chapters according to the following index:

1.How do we collect and use your personal information

2.Use of cookies and similar technologies

3.How do we store and protect your personal information

4.How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

5.Your rights

6.How do we handle the personal information of minors

7.How to update this privacy policy

8.How to contact us


 How do we collect your personal information

During the process of using the Health Widgets service, we will collect information that you actively provide or generate as a result of using the service in the following manner. We collect this information for:① Ensure the normal operation of the product foundation Provide you with various functions and services. ③ Optimize and improve products and services. ④ Ensure user safety. ⑤ Comply with laws, regulations, and national standards.


Personal information we actively collect and use

1. Ensure the normal operation of the Health Widgets software and related services

When you use Health Widgets and related services, in order to ensure the normal operation of software and services, we will collect information such as your hardware model, operating system version number, international mobile device identification number (IMEI), network device hardware address (MAC), IP address, software version number, network access method and type, and operation logs. Please understand that this information is the basic information that we must collect to provide services and ensure the normal operation of our products.


2. The information you upload or provide when using the service

When you use the Health Widgets storage content and feedback service, we will collect various information based on the actual situation, such as the information you store files and the email information you fill in when giving feedback. We will use this information to meet your requirements, provide related products or services, or achieve anti fraud purposes. 

For permission to apply for and use  Health Widgets , please refer to the "Permission Application and Usage Description" in the attachment at the end of this article


3. Ensure the safety of products, services, and users

To help us better understand the operation of Health Widgets and related services, in order to ensure the safety of running and providing services, we will record network log information, as well as the frequency of using the software and related services, crash data, overall installation, usage, performance data, and other information.


Handling of changes in the purpose of collecting and using personal information

Please understand that with the development of our business, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions and services provided by  Health Widgets . In principle, when new functions or services are related to scenarios such as old functions, the personal information collected and used will have a direct or reasonable correlation with the original processing purpose. In situations where there is no direct or reasonable connection to the original purpose, we will inform you again and obtain your consent when collecting and using your personal information.


Personal information that is legally exempt from consent to collection and use

Please understand that in the following situations, according to laws and regulations and/or relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information:

(1)Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2)Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3)Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

(4)For the purpose of safeguarding the significant legal rights and interests of personal information subjects or other individuals such as their lives and properties, but it is difficult to obtain their consent;

(5)The collected personal information about you is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(6)Collect your personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

(7)Necessary for signing and performing the contract according to your requirements;

(8)Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of software and related services, such as detecting and handling faults in software and related services;

(9)Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations。


Please note that if the information cannot be individually or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, it does not belong to your personal information in the legal sense; When your information can be individually or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, or when we combine data that cannot be contacted with any specific personal information with other personal information of you, during the combined use period, these information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.


Collection and use of non personal information

When necessary, we collect and utilize data that cannot be directly linked to specific individuals. We may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non personal information for necessary reasons. Below are some examples of non personal information that we may collect and how we can use it.

We collect information such as language, location, and time zone in which users use the Health Widgets product, so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising.

We may collect and store detailed information about how you use our services, including search queries. Such information may be used to improve the results of our service delivery and make it more relevant. Except in a few cases where we need to ensure the quality of services provided through the Internet, such information will not involve your IP address.

We combine non personal information with personal information, such information will be considered personal information during the combined use.


Use of cookies and similar technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used in the Internet. When you use  Health Widgets and related services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your access to and use of this product. We will set cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security to ensure the safe and efficient operation of products and services, helping us improve service efficiency and response speed.

How do we store and protect your personal information

How do we store your personal information

1. Location of information storage

We will store user personal information collected within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. Currently, we will not transmit information overseas. If we transmit it overseas, we will comply with relevant national regulations or seek your consent.

2. Duration of information storage

Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve our goals, such as the email information you filled in when giving feedback.


How do we protect your personal information

1. We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will strive to take reasonable security measures (including technical and administrative aspects) to protect your personal information, preventing the personal information you provide from being improperly used or unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss, or disclosure.

2. We will use reasonable and feasible means such as encryption technology and anonymization processing that are not inferior to industry peers to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

3. We will establish a dedicated security department, security management system, and data security process to ensure the security of your personal information. We adopt strict data usage and access systems to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and conduct timely security audits of data and technology.

4. Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, even if every effort is made to strengthen security measures in the Internet industry, it is impossible to always ensure the 100% security of information. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide us. Please be aware and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take positive measures to protect the security of your personal information. This includes, but is not limited to, not disclosing personal information such as your account password to others.

5.We will develop emergency response plans and immediately launch them when user information security incidents occur, striving to prevent the impact and consequences of such security incidents from expanding. In the event of a user information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to handle it, suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, and remedial measures for you, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the event in the form of push notifications, emails, letters, SMS, etc. If it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will take reasonable and effective methods to publish an announcement. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.

6.We would like to remind you that the personal information protection measures provided in this privacy policy only apply to the  Health Widgets software and related services. Once you leave  Health Widgets and related services and browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we have no ability or obligation to protect any personal information submitted by you on software or websites other than  Health Widgets software and related services, regardless of whether you log in, browse, or use the above software or websites based on  Health Widgets links or guidance.

 How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

enjoy together

We will not share your personal information with any other company, organization, or individual, except for the following circumstances:

(1)With your explicit authorization and consent, we will only share information necessary for the purpose with third parties. If a third party needs to use personal information beyond the aforementioned authorization scope due to business needs, the third party will need to seek your consent again.

(2)We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share your personal information. At the same time, we will assess its data security capabilities and environment, and require third parties to handle this information with confidentiality and security measures that are no less stringent than those required by this privacy statement.

(3)Share with our affiliates: Your personal information may be shared with our affiliates. We will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purposes stated in this privacy policy. If an affiliated company wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will again seek your authorization and consent.

(4)Sharing with authorized partners: For the purposes stated in this privacy policy only, certain of our services will be provided by authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, companies we employ to provide third-party data statistics and analysis services may need to collect and access personal data for data statistics and analysis. In this case, these companies must comply with our data privacy and security requirements. We will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and only share personal information necessary for the provision of services.

(5)We will carefully evaluate the purpose of third-party use of shared information, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the security capabilities of these partners, and require them to comply with the cooperation legal agreement. We will strictly monitor the security of software tool development kits (SDKs) and application program interfaces (APIs) used by our partners to obtain information, in order to protect data security.


For information about third-party SDKs such as our connected partners, please refer to the "Access to Third-Party SDK Catalog" in the attachment at the end of this article 

Transfer the possession of

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except for the following circumstances:

(1)Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

(2)When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again。


Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

1. After obtaining your explicit consent;

2. Disclosure based on law: In cases of legal, procedural, litigation, or mandatory requirements from government authorities, we may publicly disclose your personal information。

3. Normally, we do not publicly disclose the personal information we collect. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you in advance of the purpose of public disclosure, the type of information disclosed, and after obtaining your explicit consent, we will publicly disclose the authorized information。



Your Rights

According to internationally accepted practices and practices, we guarantee that you exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information:

Revoke Authorization Consent

You can change the authorization consent for  Health Widgets  at any time in the system settings. After you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. But your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the personal information processing previously carried out based on your authorization.



You can delete your file information and other data in  Health Widgets .

Access Privacy Policy

You can access "Settings" - "Privacy Policy" within the app to view all the contents of this privacy policy.


Stop operations and inform you of your rights

If we cease operations, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of individual deliveries or announcements, and delete or anonymize your personal information held by us.


How do we handle personal information of minors

We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain written consent from your parent or legal guardian before using the  Health Widgets service.

We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. We will only collect, use, share, or disclose personal information of minors when permitted by law, with the explicit consent of parents or other guardians, or necessary to protect them; If we discover that we have collected personal information about minors without obtaining verifiable parental consent in advance, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.


How to update this privacy policy

We may revise this privacy policy in due course. When the terms of this privacy policy change, we will display the changed privacy policy to you in the form of push notifications and pop-up windows when you log in and update the version. Please note that we will only collect, use, and store your personal information in accordance with the updated privacy policy after you click the agree button in the pop-up window.


How to contact us

When you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, personal information of minors or other related issues, please provide feedback via email [email protected] Contact us. We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and respond within fifteen working days after verifying your user identity. The copyright of this agreement belongs to the operator, and the operator reserves all rights to interpret and modify it.


Attachment 1 "Explanation of Permission Application and Usage of Health Widgets

1. To ensure the safe and stable operation of  Health Widgets , we will apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system based on actual business scenarios;

2. To ensure your right to know, we will display the relevant operating system permissions that the product may apply for and use through the following list. You can manage the relevant permissions according to your actual needs;

3. According to the upgrade of the product, the type and purpose of applying and using permissions may vary depending on the product's functionality. We will adjust the list in a timely manner based on these changes to ensure that you are informed of the application and usage of permissions in a timely manner;

4. Please be informed that for the functionality and security needs of our business and products, we will consider using third-party SDKs based on actual business scenarios, and these third parties will also apply for or use relevant operating system permissions;

5. During the process of using the product, if you use third-party developed H5 interfaces or mini programs, these third-party developed plugins or mini programs will apply for or use relevant operating system permissions based on actual business functional needs.


iOS operating system application permission list

1.【Privacy - Push Notifications Usage Description】

Permission function description: Message notification push

Usage scenario and purpose: used to help you understand whether the current application is the latest version

Consequence of refusing to provide: Unable to receive message notification push


2.【Privacy - Tracking Usage Description Tracking permissions】

Permission function description: Track permissions

Usage scenario and purpose: In order to enhance your experience in using the product and reduce the disturbance and impact of content advertising on you, we need you to allow the app to obtain your device identifier (IDFA)

Consequences of refusing to provide: We are unable to analyze the cause of the program error


Attachment 2 Health Widgets Access to Third Party SDK Directory "

To ensure the implementation of the relevant functions of  Health Widgets and the safe and stable operation of the application, we will access software development packages (SDKs) provided by third parties according to the actual business scenario needs to achieve the relevant purposes.

We will conduct strict security monitoring on the software tool development kit (SDK) used by our partners to obtain information, in order to protect data security.

We list the relevant third-party SDKs for access in the directory.

Please note that third-party SDKs may have certain changes in data processing types due to version upgrades, policy adjustments, and other reasons. Please refer to the official explanation of their formulas.


1. Youmeng SDK

Purpose of use:Provide statistical analysis services and basic anti cheating capabilities

pick up information:Device MAC address, unique device identification code (IMEI/OPENUDID/Guid), advertising identifier, SIM card IMSI information, network status, WiFi status, WiFi MAC address

Device permissions invoked:Obtain network status, access WiFi status, and allow applications to network

Privacy Policy:


2. Pangle SDK

Purpose of use:Advertising collaboration, advertising attribution, anti cheating

pick up information:

Equipment information: Basic information such as equipment brand, model, software system version, etc

Application information: developer application name, application package name, version number, application installation list, and other information

Other information: operator information, device time zone, device language, wireless network SSID name, WiFi router MAC address, device MAC address, IP address, device identifier (such as IMEI, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, specific fields may vary depending on software and hardware versions)

Device permissions invoked:Obtain network status, access WiFi status, and allow applications to network

Privacy Policy:


3. AdMob SDK

Purpose of use:Push advertising information to users and prevent cheating

pick up information:Unique identifier, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information (including operator name), as well as application version number, IP address, crash report

Device permissions invoked:Obtain network status, access WiFi status

Privacy Policy:




